1 Reason why we dont die

This vlog is about a reason why we dont die. Its about a theory about what happens after death. You’re not an object, you’re a special being. According to biocentrism, nothing could exist without consciousness. Remember you can’t see through the bone surrounding your brain. Space and time aren’t objects, but rather the tools our mind uses to weave everything together. “It will remain remarkable,” said Eugene Wigner he won a Nobel Prize in Physicsin whatever way our future concepts may be, that the study of the world led to the conclusion that the content of the consciousness is a reality.” Death doesn’t exist in a timeless and  spaceless world he said.  When his friend , Albert Einstein died talked to him about the time in the Present, Past and Future. So he started investigating and found all this out.



Little Chips

Looking for proteins on a drop of blood is hard, it takes some time. But scientists created  a new device that filters the molecules in a blood sample, taking proteins of an impending heart attack. Besides detecting  emergencies, they could minimize the days a patient waits for lab results, giving them in minutes.

Experiments showed the setup detected various levels of  protein that can show a heart attack, in less than 10 minutes, researchers from Tel Aviv University reported on August 2. In the future, people at home who are having chest pains(heard attack) can use the technology to find out quickly if they need to get to an emergency room.

The chip consists of two small compartments connected to a little channel. In the first compartment there are  nanowires with antibodies. The researchers made these nanowires very rough and full of holes.The second compartment contains nanowires too, but these are flat and their ends are connected to electrodes. After connecting both sets of nanowires with antibodies for the protein they add a tiny drop of blood and that is how they find everything out and how it works.

Curiosity in Mars.

Nasas curiosity is going to land on August 5, an impact based with a large mountain in the middle. There, Curiosity will search for signs of life environments, past or present and try to make history. By looking at the  rocks, they find  clues hidden in the mountain, it will alos help them see how they were a long ago. 98 weeks equals 1 Mars year. Scientific material will help dig the rocks and find about Mars past. The scientist want to dig a special rock but it looks hard and capable of holding heat. Scientists are mainly  interested in studying to find water on ancient Mars. The rock would be a good place to start diging. But alot of ancient Mars rocks are on top. Its going to be hard, they said.access