DNA in crime scenes.

The DNA has changed alot in the way of criminal stuff to investigate crime. The DNA is very usefull in crime scenes because when they find DNA in a crime scene they can automatically know alot about the suspect. The DNA was first identified in 1869 by Friedrich Miescher but later, scientists called it DNA. The fingerprints are really special because they’re unique to each person. Every person has a unique, special fingerprint, when scientists test them, it gives them alot of information about the suspect. The first case where scientists used DNA was in 1996 when a suspect was acused of murdering 2 girls. He was inocent, later the police found and arrested another man, all thanks to DNA proof. The advantages of DNA are that you can easily find a suspect. Some disadvantages might be that there’s alot of people where they can find DNA from, so it takes a while to find the suspect. It’s really important to know about DNA, because it’s always usefull in alot of things, for example, in New York Law School they found the innocence of more than 100 wrong inmates by DNA.

Rosalind Elsie Franklin / Watson and Crick

Rosalind Elsie Franklin was a British biophysist and X-Ray Chrystallographer who made contributions to  understanding the  molecular structures of DNA, RNA, different viruses, coal, etc. She was responsible for the research and discovery that led to understanding the structure of acids, DNA. The story of DNA is a tale  told one way in James Watson’s book The Double Helix. James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins got a Nobel Prize for the double-helix  of DNA in 1962. She excelled at science and went to one of the few girls’ schools in London that teached physics and chemistry. In the 1950s Francis Crick and James Watson becme interested in Paulings work ( discovered proteins in alpha helix) at first they made a fail model. Then Watson and Crick showed that  the DNA molecule was like the other. During cell division both separate and on each and make a new other half. Franklin helped them in alot of ways because with his results they could get theirs. After all worked DNA’s discovery has been called the most important biological work of the last 100 years, because the structure was so perfect that the data almost accepted the model.