A Moveable Feast – The Lost Generation

1) What is the “Lost Generation”? 

– The lost generation is the generation that came of age during World War 1. The term was popularized by Hemingway who was the one who wrote “A moveable Feast.”

2) What role did Hemingway play in popularizing this term?

– Hemingway popularized it because he was the one who used it as one of 2 contrasting epigraphs on his novel.

3) Why was Gertrude Stein so important in the art world?

– She was so important in the art world because she kept finding and looking for underated american artists and writers and helped them in their career.

4) Describe Stein´s salón at 27 rue de Fleurus. (include an image)

-This was the house where the writers and painters got together to work. They usually got together on Saturday evenings to help define modernism.

(Image from Google.com found by “Stein´s salón at 27 rue de Fleurus”.)

5) Define expatriate

– Expatriate: Is a person temporary or permanently residing in another country, which is not the country where he or she was born.


Hello Miss P, sorry for being late and not doing it when I was supposed to, here it is finally. Have a great day.


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